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Acid Reflux or GERD
Acid Reflux or GERD is caused when the valve between the oesophagus and stomach becomes weak. Normally, this valve opens to allow food in and then it shuts tightly. With GERD, the valve stays open, allowing stomach acids to flow back up into the oesophagus, causing heartburn and many other symptoms. It leads to a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach regurgitates (backs up or refluxes) into the oesophagus. If you have heartburn that occurs more than twice a week and/or does not get better with over-the-counter antacids, you may have GERD.
Increased intake of tea or coffee, or oily, spicy, or fried foods aggravates pitta and leads to acidity. An aggressive nature and hyperactivity are also causal factors. Pitta is aggravated by late night work schedules, irregular eating patterns, and/or drinking alcoholic and carbonated beverages. Increased intake of painkillers and antibiotics also cause acidity and heartburn.
- Chest pain
- Pain while swallowing food
- Heartburn
- Avoid tea, coffee, and carbonated or alcoholic beverages.
- Avoid processed and fermented foods.
- Avoid over using of garlic, ginger, onions, tomatoes, and vinegar in cooking & also avoid rich gravies, sour, salty, and spicy foods.
- Take meals at regular intervals.
Medicines Suggested by us –
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Avipattikar Churn
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Shankh Bhasma