Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial cystitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the bladder. It causes urgent, painful urination and pelvic discomfort. People with interstitial cystitis have a bladder wall that is inflamed and irritated (red and sore). This inflammation can scar the bladder or make it stiff. It also does not store urine well. In some cases, the walls of the bladder may even bleed slightly.

  • Painful urination
  • Pelvic discomfort
  • An urgent need to urinate
  • Pressure, pain and tenderness around the bladder,
  • A bladder that doesn't hold urine well
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • In men, discomfort or pain in the penis or scrotum
  • The foods which should be drastically curtailed or altogether avoided are aged cheese, chocolates, heavy cream, ice creams, fat meats, deep fried foods and gravies, high carbohydrate foods like bread, potatoes, sugar, syrup, rich puddings, and beverages such as all fountain drinks and alcoholic drinks.
  • Citrus fruits and vegetables should be avoided.
  • Fresh, sweet juicy fruits, green vegetables, nuts like almonds, milk and fresh milk products can be taken.

Medicines Suggested by us –

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Varunshigru Kwath