Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

The inability of a man to achieve or sustain erection it is called erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is a very common problem and it is believed that approximately 40% of males suffer from it at one time or another in life. In Ayurveda erectile dysfunction is referred to as 'Klaibya'.

Weak erection / lack of erection

  • Take simple, chemical free diet, as many chemicals used for growing and manufacturing food articles can affect nervous functioning and sexual arousal.
  • Prevent indigestion, constipation and vitiation of Apan Vayu that is resposible for penile erection. So patient should avoid foods that trigger gas formation like potato, beans, peas, brinjal etc and prefer fruit vegetables, spices like dry ginger and drinks like lemon water which release gases easily.
  • Excessive salt, acids, tobacco & alcohol too should be avoided. Most of dry fruits, fresh fruits and milk products increase sexual vigour.
  • Consuming pure ghee and dry fruits like almond & cashew regularly boost sexual vigour and prevents erectile dysfunction.
  • Performing Yogasan & Suryanamaskar regularly improves tone of the muscles required for erection while doing Pranayam brings about mental relaxation and tranqility.

Medicines Suggested by us –

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