

Epilepsy refers to a disorder in which the person has a tendency to have seizures or fits due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Actually by age of 80, about 5 to 10% of general populace in the world suffers from an unprovoked seizure at least once in his/her life. But not all of them develop epilepsy. Only 1% populace in the world i.e. 65 million people actually develop epilepsy. Out of those, almost 80% patients belong to the developing countries like India, Egypt etc. Fortunately, the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda offers effective support to epilepsy patients. It is known as 'Apasmara' in Ayurveda.

  • Sudden jerks in arms
  • Strange feeling
  • Sudden blackout & fainting
  • Stiffness in muscles
  • Twitching or trembling of muscles
  • The main objective of the Ayurvedic treatment is to strengthen the brain and restore the proper function of the nervous system. Nourishing herbs with a tonic effect are prescribed along with diet and lifestyle adjustments that emphasize a light easily digestible diet and avoidance of mental strain.
  • It is very important for the patient to maintain proper food timings and choose less spicy, less oily fresh food.
  • Oily, fatty, spicy and stale food must be avoided.
  • Late nigh parties, late night dinners, late night study or keeping awake at night for work should be strictly avoided.
  • Meditation and other relaxation techniques should be used regularly to ensure that stress does not disturb the electric activities in brain.
  • Doing Yoga, Pranayama regularly have positive effects on brain chemistry and help curing epilepsy.
  • Putting few drops of warm pure ghee in both nostrils regularly reduces recurrence of Vataj & pittaj seizures.
  • First Aid during Seizure:
  • Putting few drops of onion juice in both nostrils of the patient reduce the effect of the seizure immediately and bring back the consciousness.

Medicines Suggested by us –

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Chaturbhuj Ras  
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Smriti Sagar Ras