Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa  Anorexia means the loss of desire to have food even when one is hungry. This disease is known as aruchi in Ayurveda. This condition can arise due to a sedentary lifestyle, stress and wrong eating patterns. In this condition a person has no appetite for food due to indigestion or psychological causes. In some cases, the patient gets a bad taste in the mouth and has no desire to swallow the food.

Note that anorexia (simple loss of appetite) is not the same as anorexia nervosa (commonly known as anorexia), which refers to serious psychological and physiological conditions usually seen in women where they develop and aversion to eating and have a distorted body image and a fear of being obese. A person with anorexia nervosa often has severe and even life-threatening weight-loss.

In contrast, anorexia (the simple loss of appetite) is usually temporary and does not develop into anorexia nervosa.

  • Dieting despite being underweight
  • Obsessed about calories & fats
  • Avoiding eating with some excuse
  • Dramatic weight loss
  • Secretly vomiting after meals
  • Over exercising
  1. A single day of fasting is good for digesting ama (mucus). Have freshly prepared warm food. Meals should be taken at regular intervals, so that the previous meal gets digested. Avoiding snacking between meals.
  2. When psychological factors are involved, creating a happy and calm atmosphere helps to improve the condition. Being in the company of good friends and relatives relieves stress and improves digestive power.

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