Tinea (Ringworm)

Ringworm is a fungal skin infection. Ringworm can affect skin  (tinea corporis), scalp (tinea capitis), groin area (tinea cruris, also called jock itch), or feet (tinea pedis, also called athlete's foot).

  • Itching
  • Red, circular patches on skin
  • One should avoid very fired, spicy, sour and excessive sweet foods. Citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange), chutneys, sauces, pickled food, mustard and vinegar should also be avoided.
  • One should avoid foods made up of white flour such as bread, cakes, pastries, pizza etc.
  • Avoid artificial foods, fast foods, cola drinks. Excessive salt should also be avoided.
  • Non- veg food should be avoided completely.
  • Tea, coffee, alcohol and smoking are also pitta aggravating. Milk product like yogurt should be avoided. Rather than these foods stress on foods, which are sweet, blend, alkaline in nature.
  • Foods that should be included are grains, rice, pasta, beans, breads, dairy products, sweet drinks and juices. Fresh vegetables and fresh fruits should be taken.

Medicines Suggested by us –

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